Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dia. . .Monologue IV

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 at 6:39pm

. .This isn't getting us anywhere babe. . .You better shape up. . . (Beat) oh?! I'm being unreasonable. . . (beat) oh really now. . . She calls you upwards of Seven times a day and i'm supposed to sit the F**k here and take a chill pill? (Beat) Honey!!! She calls at midnight and I know for sure our number ain't Aunty Kemi's helpline! (Beat) What's up with that??? She's ur frigging EX! that's what! (Beat). . .I'm being paranoid?! No baby, I'm shitting frigging hot bricks here!!!! (beat) So, she's having're not her only friend, are you?!(beat). . .Shit! I'm not. . . (phone rings). . hello(beat) Oh. Helen. . .(beat) Nope. He's not here (beat) he's out looking for a new place...Call his mobile. 



Roc said...


Cold right there.

Miss Enigma said...

Lol...hint hint @ dude to move out?
Nice one!

Aee Bonrue said...

@ Roc-for-different-reasons(yep... been reading a lot **wink**)'s a b-itch...gatta bitch right back to survive,

@ Undercover
lol...he might as well make himself useful elsewhere, ey...

Thanx y'all!

Anonymous said... girl herself should know he has a

Aee Bonrue said...

mais non! she calls him at every point to discuss "issues of national importance"...can be frustrating...

Thanks for stopping...

Roc said...

"gatta bitch right back to survive"???

Someone's sounding all cynical..

Aee Bonrue said...

Moi?? Cynical? Bah! Nah far from! I like to think i'm a realistic pragmatist...or a pragmatic realist...ya know...