Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dia ...Monologue V

WEDNESDAY, 26TH August, 2009
Club X...12.45A.M

...did you hear me? (beat) i said i'm 'daeze...Just got in from the states...(beat) yeah, Haven't been home in a while...and you're...? Sunom...Hi Sunom...forgive my crusty manners but i've been staring at you since you walked in with your pals...wondering what your voice may sound like...(beat) uhm...i'm sorry...i'm just so used to telling it as it is that i plum forgot where the heck i's alright...let's pretend it didn't happen. Enjoy your...(beat) what? (Beat) really? You don't mind? Wow! Gee! Thanks! Well, like i said, I just got back into the country...tryna fit into the Nigerian mould...(chuckles) Kinda hard ya know...uhm...we're screaming and we can barely hear each other...uhm...can we go the bar, perhaps...Or to my hotel . It's just across from this place...awww...geez! There I go again...ignore me...(beat) Huh?...(Beat)You don't mind coming with me...(beat) Swell! C'mon then...

...2hours later...
Wow!! are one helluva guy...Shit! I can't wait to do this again! We'll let Phil watch! (beat) oh! phil's my Husband, I must've mentioned him at some...Wassup? Where're you goin'?



kay9 said...

I'm first!! ***does miss.fab's happy dance***

Ok mmmmh, i guess its bye-bye to the good old days when guys did the toasting.

Nice Anon said...

huh what just happened? Lame if you ask me

Original Mgbeke said...

LMAO, a man with a conscience? Ha Ha Ha.

@ kay9: My dear o, seems like women are doing the toasting these days.

Aee Bonrue said...

@ Kay9
No be small bye bye o! That's so not in these days...the gals do the toasting...the seducing...the "please stay"...the everything! Chai!

@ Nice Anon
Lame? The guy's conscience...Or the tale? ;)

@ Mgbekee
Shuo! if na you nko? the guy run go make dem wash im head! lol...

Thanks for reading y'all...

Unknown said...

women? toasting?
chivalry can NEVER die in my eyes....i still havent caved so there's still a few survivors left i guess lol

Myne said...

Nice blog, first time here. He really left?

Like the monologue style. Will check back for updates

Aee Bonrue said...

Yes o! Wimmins, lol. Chivalry's clone in Naija's kinda comatose... the doctors claim he may come to...i'm still waiting. lol

Def Following ur bleurgh... thanks for reading...

@ Myne Whitman're welcome, anytime ;)

Sumptuous said...

I like the way u write, ur thought process can be scary at times, I wonder what goes on in ur mind. P.s: thanks 4 stopping by mine.

Aee Bonrue said...

@ sumptuous
lol...THANK YOU!