Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Hey guys...

(cue tears)

I have no excuse whatsoever...Or let's just say I've run out of excuses...or the unction to give excuses. good thing however is I've been reading...not as much as I would love to but under the circumstances, I hereby pat myself on the back. I'm doing good. Hopefully, I shall read all the books I have amassed in the last 2 years. So help Me God.  

I came across the "30 day challenge on Fashiondivah's blog and it sounds like a great idea.

(cue Middle finger)
Yeah. That's for my muse...for abandoning me this long and making me look fraudulent...even to my self...sigh...
I shall attempt to write for 30 days and this...

...shall be my motivation and my guide...
I may not do it in this sequence, I may not even go by the titles BUT I shall do it!

So help me God.

(the END)



AliceDCL said...

amen to that

TecknicoleurGrl said...

Welcome to the 30 day club. :-)

Myne said...

Welcome back, though I think you're already slacking, lol..