Friday, May 28, 2010

Just another rant like post...By Mutabaruka aka Other Me

I search for Nirvana…

I thirst for freedom...

I long for the truth…

I pray for peace...

I live for happyness...
I believe in Kismet…

I won't grant her full control however...

I strive for 'perfecto'.

I know there'll be blocks...

I aim to climb them.

I shall woo serenity until she's mine.

I shall not wrestle insanity…

I pick my battles carefully and wisely.

I shall stalk Nirvana still...

I will assist in anchoring mediocrity at the bottom of the sea...

I shall ignore eccentricity, afterall, she and I are one.

I shall take joy...She is my betrothed.

I shall embrace knowledge.

I shall embrace knowledge in its entirety.

I shall wrestle with love, knock it down and make it my slave for evermore.

I shall want Nirvana still…

I shall live for Happiness

I shall live for the moment.

I shall stare fear down till it cowers and runs.

I shall try not to give in to pride...

I shall not be enslaved by Ire...or avarice…

As for Nirvana...I still yearn for her...

Even though I know she'll be elusive...forevermore…


Friday, May 21, 2010

Me: Some really random ish...

This is a boredom induced blog post...I thought since i haven't done a random meme in a while, why not! So, Here goes...

1. I love Music!
2. Don’t touch my books…I like you enough to not want books to come between us…because if I let you, they will.
3. I am the first of five children.....Ada n'eri ukwu anu, yes ke! (means the first daughter who eats the rump of the...whatever animal they wanna slaughter :) ok that's eewwy..)

4. I am a very good cook and I love experimenting with recipes...I do loooooooove cooking...Sadly, I haven't done a lot of cooking since i came back home. Reason? There are 4 other women in my house...I don't like competition. Especially when I’m better :-D I know hehehhee

5. I'm a veeeeeeeery restless person. You have no idea…I also bore easily...very easily...If it’s not capable of giving me a mind-gasm, I'll be yawning in no time... (This includes everything. Yes, Including Men)

6. My family like every other has it's up and downs...Sometimes It’s like “WTF?? Am i really part of this clan??” but I love them to death! Just so we don’t gerrit twixted :D

7. I am very Afrocentric AFRICAN...a NIGERIAN to the core of my being and the apex of my...lets not go there. Thing is, I love Nigeria that's why i'm oh-so irked at all these charlatanous individuals who call themselves leaders. That's why i say, PREPARE TO VOTE IN 2011! Enough is Enough!
8. I am not easily impressed.
9. I'm a trained Food Scientist turned trained Radio Producer/Scriptwriter...

10. I am a shopperholic...I would need therapy if i had the kinda money they mention in thank God I'm not a Hilton...My life for Gbagaun (Thank Sir Scribbles for the phrase :-D) God help me, I'm tryna check my spending. (Kyrie Eleison...)

11. I.CRY...Contrary to what many believe...Trouble is I cry for the darndest the most unlikely the most "not-convenient" places...*sigh*
12. People close to me think I am stubborn...I think I got it from my father :-D
13. I dislike people "don't know" and wear it like a badge...More importantly, I dislike people who "do know" and shove it in other people's faces ever so tactlessly. *ok breathe*
14. I'm a "SEE" food person :-D
15. I love meat! I draw the line at Dogs...and Reptiles...and amphibians too...
16. I love fashion! Ok. I have a certificate in Fashion Designing. Before i got a job, i used to make all my clothes...I still do...ONLY when there's a wedding. Slap me later.
17. I don't appreciate male chauvinists.....I think they should be wiped out from the surface of the earth...or be cast into swine. #Okbye
18. I love red wine. Therapeutic :-D

19. I used to think Phil Collins was "blaaah" and poetry was wack. I used to be very foolish.
20. I say it as it is...I respect anyone like that too. If i hurt you, say it. I'm not likely to anyway...
21. I love sleep. Even more so now that i don't get much of it :(
22. I like having a good laugh...Groucho Marx, Mark Twain, Charlie Chaplin, Richard Pryor, IgoDie, Maleke, the two American Chrises...these are my dudes any day!
23. I have a thing for foine dudes...who doesn't? Ok. this 23 doesn't count.
24. I usually don’t give a flying or hopping frog what people think of me…It’s their thoughts na, not mine. Mine’s what matters joo…
25. I don tire joo..I thInk I’m done. You fit add your own.



Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Untitlable II: The Discombobulation of the Bug Eyed Female...


Tuesday afternoon tea with a very desirable young man…

Me: Really? Who’s she?

He:  “Oh! Some downright cute chick I met yesterday at the Matriculation Ceremony…”

….who’s smitten…Not by you…

 He: “I know what you’re thinking…October Rush, eh? Trust me. It’s nothing like that…”

…and the Son Of a Bitch is gonna give you a blow by blow account of it…

He: "…I mean…She’s something that girl…"

Tuesday afternoon tea gone sour…

He: “Wow wow! Don’t give me the look, please…I’m not breaking up with Abi because of this girl…Our 
break-up was gonna happen anyway…I just put a date to it is all…”

Son of a…!

Me: “Interesting…”

He: “Yeah! It’s not like we have a “great” relationship here…it’s just sex…”


Me: “Err…Why are you telling me….these things?

He: “Because I find talking to you sooooo easy …”

EUREKA!! He found someone to talk to…FUCK YOU, Strawberry Lips!

“…and I like you…a lot...”


He: “..And your eyes…I can’t stop thinking about them…”
Me: “Err…wait… weren’t we were talking  about your soon to be girlfriend…and your soon to be ex??”

SHUT UP. You know you wanna…

He: “Err…I was talking about you…You should’ve figured that out by now…”


"...Thoughts going through my mind…I’m yearning but I should be reasonable about thi…"

He: “You’re not saying anything…”

He’s leaving her…NOT!

Me: “I’ve gotta go home…I have stuff to do…My aunt….”

lips...on your lips Virgo! It's a kiss…

"...Feather light…The kiss i'd fantasized and  dreamt about, FINALLY happens…No prior info…No major eye contact like in the Daggam movies and Novels i'd so depended on to school you on these matters…Nothing! Goshies!!! Mesmer has nothing on this feeling,…Melting bones… Lips locked…Toes curling…Then common sense comes up for air…



“I kissed you…and I’d gladly go again….This is officially our first kiss (Insert Light chuckle) Over tea…In my parents’ house…(Insert Big grin)

 “The violent taketh by force…”

Gosshh...You’re retarded, Virgo...
 “What did you say…?“

Oya, answer na..

(Insert shaking of head) Naaah nothing…I was just thinking out loud…I thought my first kiss was gonna be over…Wine???

You wanted him to kiss you since you saw him now you complain of wine?? Oh look! Now he’s laughing at you...(sigh)

Me: “What are you laughing at..?

He: Did you say “First Kiss”??


Read "The Untitlable I" here.